Juliane Kühn

Juliane Kühn

Scientific Staff

Chair of Empirical Economics Sociology

Room: Room 3.013
Findelgasse 7/9
90402 Nuremberg


About Juliane Kühn

Juliane is a research assistant at the Chair of Empirical Economic Sociology and coordinator for the Master’s program in Social Economics. After completing her bachelor’s degree in business psychology, she worked for several years as a project manager in a market research institute. Subsequently, she studied Social Economics at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU). While studying she worked as a student assistant at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in the field of “regional labor markets”. After completing her studies, she was also employed there as a research assistant.





Titel Veranstaltungsart Zeit & Ort Start- und Enddatum SWS
Analyse moderner Gesellschaften Seminar Di, 09:45-11:15 Uhr

LG 0.421

24.10.2023 – 06.02.2024 3.0
Sozialökonomisches Projektseminar II Seminar Di, 13:15-14:45 Uhr

FG 2.026

17.10.2023 – 06.02.2024 4.0
STATA Brückenkurs Grundkurs
Fr. 09:00-14:00 Uhr

LG 0.420
