List of topics BACHELOR and MASTER
A guideline for the writing of theses can be found here!
The topic of the thesis can be chosen freely by each student. The writing of empirical theses is explicitly encouraged at our department. Please feel free to contact our staff with your topic suggestions.
Suggested topics for theses
Betreuer*in |
Thema |
Datenbasis |
Einführende Literatur |
Juliane Kühn | Geschlecht, Attraktivität und Lebenszufriedenheit | ALLBUS | |
Tilman Wörz | Finanzielle Ungleichheit und Lebenszufriedenheit | European Social Survey | Wilkinson, R. G., & Pickett, K. E. (2009). Income inequality and social dysfunction. Annual review of sociology, 35, 493-511. |
Sebastian Prechsl | Das subjektive Wohlbefinden von Familienernährerinnen | SOEP / ALLBUS | Kowalewska, H., & Vitali, A. (2023). The female-breadwinner well-being ‘penalty’: differences by men’s (un) employment and country. European Sociological Review, 2023. |
Sebastian Prechsl | Die Rolle von sozialer Ungleichheit bei der politischen Partizipation | ISSP / ALLBUS | Stoetzer, L. F., Giesecke, J., & Klüver, H. (2023). How does income inequality affect the support for populist parties? Journal of European Public Policy, 30(1), 1-20. |
Sebastian Prechsl | Die Rolle des Beschäftigungsstatus des Partners für das subjektive Wohlbefinden | SOEP / pairfam | Inanc, H. (2018). Unemployment, temporary work, and subjective well-being: the gendered effect of spousal labor market insecurity. American Sociological Review, 83(3), 536-566. |
Sebastian Prechsl / Martin Völker |
Einfluss von Beförderungen auf Löhne / Lebenszufriedenheit / Gesundheit | SOEP | Johnston, D. W. & Lee, W.-S. (2013). Extra Status and extra stress: Are promotions good for us? ILR Review, 66(1), 32–54. |
Martin Völker | Beschäftigungsbedingungen und (mentale) Gesundheit/Jobzufriedenheit | SOEP / ALLBUS | Cornelißen, T. (2009). The Interaction of Job Satisfaction, Job Search, and Job Changes. An Empirical Investigation with German Panel Data. Journal of Happiness Studies, 10(3), 367–384. |
Above you can find the topics currently offered for theses and the corresponding contact persons. The topics are (mostly) suitable as final theses for Bachelor or Master. Please contact the respective staff members directly. You can get an overview of the research interests of the staff members by clicking on the links to the persons.
If you have your own idea for a topic within one of the research interests of the staff members, please contact him/her.